Folk remedies for COVID-19


Surprisingly, a very simple way to combat covid was found in the mycology laboratory of the Novosibirsk State Scientific Center of VB «Vector», known as the developer of the second Russian vaccine against COVID-19 — «EpiVacCorona».

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An unexpectedly very simple way to combat covid was found in the mycology laboratory of the Novosibirsk center «Vector», known as the developer of the second Russian vaccine against COVID-19.

Since spring, scientists have been conducting research with a natural substance that has long been known for its healing properties.

It turned out that he can also stop the coronavirus. This is a birch mushroom — chaga.

Andrey Bekarev’s innovative company has been studying its healing properties for many years.

The birch mushroom, long known in folk medicine and officially recognized by domestic pharmacology, reveals its new qualities to researchers.

In 2017, laboratory confirmed its effectiveness in suppressing the influenza virus.

“The mushroom is extremely curious and requires further research. In the history of the emergence of drugs, this often happened, ─ explains the chairman of the board of directors of the research company Andrey Bekarev.

In recent years, the mycology laboratory of the Novosibirsk Virology Center «Vector» has studied the antiviral properties of more than 1,500 samples of Siberian mushrooms.

The most effective was chaga. Therefore, from the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists drew attention to this natural raw material.

Experiments have proven: an aqueous extract of a birch fungus stops the multiplication of coronavirus.

The studies used a Vero cell culture: extracts of chaga were applied to a monolayer of cells in different concentrations, and after a while — a pathogenic strain of coronavirus.

The extracts have shown high inhibitory activity against the virus. Based on the results of the work, an application for an invention was filed.

“The effects of in vitro have been proven, that is, in a test tube. With a high degree of probability, we can say that this will also act in living objects, that is, in a person.

But what is more important ─ this is already a rigorous scientific proof that is not questioned, ”concluded Andrei Bekarev.

In the patent application, there are several methods for preparing an aqueous extract of a birch mushroom, including a very simple one, which can be used at home by insisting the pharmacy chaga on a steam bath.

But if there is no time, it can be brewed like regular tea. Researchers say they have already experienced this drink for themselves.

Tamara Teplyakova, head of the laboratory at the Vector Center, tested the effectiveness of the aqueous extract of chaga on herself and her family members.

She is currently in self-isolation with confirmed COVID-19. None of the participants in the trial developed the disease into a severe form.

The symptoms disappeared in 5-7 days. This is not a panacea, scientists say. The disease in any case requires medical supervision.

To be honest, I’m shocked. For how many years I have been preparing chaga for my own needs, as I know about its healing properties, but just like that! Not for nothing, apparently, the Chinese have been buying up chaga so actively lately.

Truly, our nature is rich in miracles.

That’s what I see, the coronavirus does not concern my family, although I work in a sports complex, where the traffic is quite busy. And retirement age.

And it happened to be contacted with neighbors, who were then taken away with a diagnosis of COVID-19, but this fate has passed us. About the common flu, and they forgot what it is.

We always have tea with the addition of chaga. This is not the first year. And we didn’t even know what kind of defender we have.

The vaccine is certainly wonderful, but you still have to wait for it. And the vaccine is only for COVID-19, and chaga suppresses any flu.

And if we consider that the flu is constantly mutating and that tomorrow it may become not 19, but 20, etc., then a new vaccine will be required …

In short, since there is an additional opportunity available, and justified by scientific research, to protect yourself and your loved ones, it would be simply stupid to refuse it.

I can imagine how skeptics grin crookedly: almost the whole world is on its ears and is looking for a way to get rid of the pandemic, and here some kind of tree parasite, which heaps in Russian forests, is presented as the savior of humanity.

But history has more than once taught a lesson, when something, at first glance insignificant, subsequently plump and easily overlapped what was spent on the gigantic efforts of mankind.

So everyone goes to the forest for chaga.

How to brew chaga

There are a lot of recipes for brewing chaga on the Internet. I will give you my recipes, which we have been using for more than one year.

The peculiarity of my recipes is that they were originally compiled not so much for the purpose of obtaining a medicine, as for the daily use of a delicious drink, since chaga gives tea and coffee some astringency and a slight bitterness and, of course, to maintain the digestive tract in good condition.

My recipes do not require compliance with such conditions as: «take a certain amount, pour water at a certain temperature, let it infuse for a certain number of days, take a certain amount, at a certain time before or after a meal, a certain number of times a day, for a certain number of days or months «, and this, with our super active life, oh, how significant.

In the hospital, the required regimen can still be maintained, but in everyday life, with very long periods of time, it is hardly possible.

Recipe 1 (Tee):

Per liter teapot

  1. Tea leaves — two tablespoons (≈8 гр.)
  2. Finely ground chaga — one teaspoon (≈2 гр.).
  3. Boiling water — to the top.

Infused for 20 minutes. It is consumed as ordinary tea, that is, it is infused by a third of a cup and is diluted with boiling water, or cold water at will and taste, and drink when you want.

Recipe 2 (coffee):

For a 200-gram cup

  1. Ground coffee — one teaspoon (≈5 гр.)
  2. Finely ground chaga — one teaspoon without tubercle (≈1 гр.).
  3. Water — 200 gr.

Brewed in a Turk until tender.

And please, no fanaticism. Chaga is a powerful remedy, and overdoing it can be downright dangerous.

Harvesting chaga

There is an opinion that chaga should be harvested in late autumn. This is only due to the fact that in the fall, when all the leaves fly around, it is better seen on the trunks of trees. And so, it can be harvested at any time of the year.

For example, in our Semyonovsky forest, where birches are under 30 meters and grow very often, the undergrowth is quite insignificant, so that almost nothing hides and the chaga can be seen from afar, even in winter or summer.

You can find chaga by its characteristic charcoal black color.


Thanks to this color, it cannot be confused with anything else, even from afar, although there are other tenants on the birch.

These include the tinder fungus, which is also very rich in healing properties, and suvel, or burl — a wood bone that looks very similar to chaga and which is very fond of the masters of original crafts.


Chaga does not hold very tightly to the trunk of the tree, but all the same, in order to tear it off, you need an ax.

The ax must have a long handle, about 1 m +, so that it can reach the chaga higher. A longer handle will be uncomfortable when walking in the forest.

You also need a shoulder bag. It is the most convenient for picking chaga. The size of the bag depends on your appetite.

How to grind and dry

Collecting chaga is not even half the battle, it is just one third, and this third is the most pleasant. Further more strains.

Immediately after collection, chaga should be chopped and dried as soon as possible. And here quite a lot of nuances arise.

Nuance first.

The largest concentration of nutrients is located in the outer, dark layer of chaga, so all the light-red guts of the mushroom can be safely cut off and discarded.


Chaga does not hold very tightly to the trunk of the tree, but all the same, in order to tear it off, you need an ax.

The ax must have a long handle, about 1 m +, so that it can reach the chaga higher. A longer handle will be uncomfortable when walking in the forest.

You also need a shoulder bag. It is the most convenient for picking chaga. The size of the bag depends on your appetite.

How to grind and dry

Collecting chaga is not even half the battle, it is just one third, and this third is the most pleasant. Further more strains.

Immediately after collection, chaga should be chopped and dried as soon as possible. And here quite a lot of nuances arise.

Nuance first.

The second nuance, or rather even several at once.

Grinding chaga is not so easy. It is cut very tightly, especially closer to the outer edge, and if cut, it crumbles and flies far apart.

As for grinding on a grater, I tried it, and in the process, very quickly, I began to remember the one who advised me to do this, and all the bad words came to mind.

You can, of course, somehow, but with a small amount — 300 grams. This is what concerns fresh chaga.

If you dry it without crushing, then you will definitely have to soak it in order to grind and insist.

This has its own tyagomotina, namely: water after soaking must be saved, so that it can then be combined with the resulting subsequent infusion, then again, take up the grater and have high-quality painted fingers. Medical gloves cannot withstand this process.

For some reason, no one talks about this, but if you rub soaked chaga on a grater, you are guaranteed brown hands for several days. Washed by nothing.

Although now you can refer to the pandemic and forgive a few days with gloves.

I heard that you can use a coffee grinder and there are special grinders for chaga.

As for the coffee grinder, chaga is harder and more viscous than coffee beans, and how the coffee grinder will handle it is unknown, it is scary to be left without it. And again, for the coffee grinder, the chaga still needs to be crushed.

As for the crusher, it makes sense when creating a production, and it’s easier to buy ready-made, ground chaga than to give a lot of money for specials. tool.

I am writing all this only so that you do not step on the same rake that I walked on, or you were already aware and ready for unpleasant blows.

In the end, the right tool was found. It turned out to be an ordinary electric plane, available in the arsenal of any household man.

So, we treat the cutting surfaces of the plane with pure alcohol, attach a clean bag to the ejection, and go ahead.

Chaga is crushed very quickly, relatively easily and, most importantly, with high quality.

After all, the finer the fraction, the faster it will give up all the useful substances and the less troubles with infusion will be, which means it will be possible to brew chaga like ordinary tea for every day.

Here is the result


Chaga does not hold very tightly to the trunk of the tree, but all the same, in order to tear it off, you need an ax.

The ax should have a long handle, about 1 m +, so that it can reach the chaga higher. A longer handle will be uncomfortable when walking in the forest.

You also need a shoulder bag. It is the most convenient for picking chaga. The size of the bag depends on your appetite.

How to grind and dry

Collecting chaga is not even half the battle, it is just one third, and this third is the most pleasant. Further more strains.

Immediately after collection, chaga should be chopped and dried as soon as possible. And here quite a lot of nuances arise.

Nuance first.

The second nuance, or rather even several at once.

Grinding chaga is not so easy. It is cut very tightly, especially closer to the outer edge, and if cut, it crumbles and flies far apart.

As for grinding on a grater, I tried it, and in the process, very quickly, I began to remember the one who advised me to do this, and all the bad words came to mind.

You can, of course, somehow, but with a small amount — 300 grams. This is what concerns fresh chaga.

If you dry it without crushing, then you will definitely have to soak it in order to grind and insist.

This has its own tyagomotina, namely: water after soaking must be saved, so that it can then be combined with the resulting subsequent infusion, then again, take up the grater and have high-quality painted fingers. Medical gloves cannot withstand this process.

For some reason, no one talks about this, but if you grate soaked chaga on a grater, you are guaranteed brown hands for several days. Washed by nothing.

Although now you can refer to the pandemic and forgive a few days with gloves.

I heard that you can use a coffee grinder and there are special grinders for chaga.

As for the coffee grinder, chaga is harder and more viscous than coffee beans, and how the coffee grinder will handle it is unknown, it is scary to be left without it. And again, for the coffee grinder, the chaga still needs to be crushed.

As for the crusher, it makes sense when creating a production, and it’s easier to buy ready-made, ground chaga than to give a lot of money for specials. tool.

I am writing all this only so that you do not step on the same rake that I walked on, or you were already aware and ready for unpleasant blows.

In the end, the right tool was found. It turned out to be an ordinary electric plane, available in the arsenal of any household man.

So, we treat the cutting surfaces of the plane with pure alcohol, attach a clean bag to the ejection, and go ahead.

Chaga is crushed very quickly, relatively easily and, most importantly, with high quality.

After all, the finer the fraction, the faster it will give up all the useful substances and the less troubles with infusion will be, which means it will be possible to brew chaga like ordinary tea for every day.

Here is the result


After drying, chaga can be poured into glass or tin cans and stored. It is also well stored in cardboard boxes lined with parchment, but this is already in dry rooms.

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